Saturday, March 26, 2011

Why Single Chick?

Congratulations, you've stumbled into my corner! Well, one of them. I hope the wall didn't hit you too hard.

I've been single pretty much my whole life. I've had a few boyfriends but nothing that could even be remotely considered a 'serious relationship'. And over time I've watched friends that I grew up with get married, have babies and continue on this wacky ride called life with a seat partner. Sometimes it's a lot of candy and flowers and romance and a lot of times it's drama and people jumping ship and threatening to jump ship and then not jumping ship... and I'm stopping the maritime metaphor now.

The point being is that as the token single chick in a lot of people's coupled off worlds, I've got a lot of observations and questions and kind of WTF moments. So, I might as well put them out here for the world to see, right?

Let's get one thing straight first thing: I'm single but I'm not exactly what we'd call extremely desperate to change that. Yeah, I'd like to get into a relationship someday and get married to the right guy at some point in that nebulous thing we call the future. To steal from one of my favorite authors, Lisa Harper, "I like men. I'd like to have one of my own someday." But there's no rush.

This isn't a blog about how being singleness is so awesome blah blah yadda yadda ad nauseum. Quite frankly, a lot of the time being single sucks. Our society puts a premium on being romantically attached to someone and it tends to make those of us that aren't feel like we're failing the American Dream or something. What this blog is is my attempt to inject a bit of reality into the entire being single thing. It's going to be brutally honest about the pros and cons of being single, probably fairly emotional and ranty sometimes, and the occasional anecdote about botched dates that I've been on or observed. I fully intend to be entertained.

So, welcome! Sit a stay for a bit. It should be an interesting ride.


  1. *watches intently* Ooh, I can't wait!

    PS: If you figure out who I am, please don't say my real name. Just call me Poison :)

  2. Po1s0n,

    I got nothin', sweets. Either I'm that tired or you're that good.

    Thanks for joining!

  3. Kiri, you are beautiful and amazing, and I'm so friggin excited!
